never been wid mr.right...

mr.right?so cliche... but still, we look for one! i have known a lot of girls hu think they already got it! but do u think they really exist? i have read in a magazine that gurls shouldnt be afraid coz they still exist!! yehey! eh.. how about if still i havent find d one? it's so hard.. coz around you are your friends clinging wd their boyfriends and if not talking about their exes...aargh... wen they ask about wut's wid mah past lovelife??i alwys get dt chance to share about d guy i have luvd and who also cause so much pain in me.. but one time smbody in the group told me.. "ano kaba!? hindi nmn naging kayo diba? bakit big deal sayo?" dats wen i stopped telling stories about it to my friends hu still didnt know it...and now it's really hard especially wen you got a lot of things to share inside..and it's all kept!!!
people say.. "don't rush... it will come in d ryt time and wd d ryt guy.."
it's very eewee to hear dat! maybe because,, i've been inlove many times and never been to dt special situation wd dat special one...a friend of mine told me dat u shouldnt sit there and wait 4 sm1 to come.. coz in love for you to find each other u should search for each other... and i think he's sumkinda right....
pero.. watever it is.. werever there is.... i believe love will find d way... and mr.right will come in perfect time!!